What Makes Padel Courts Different from Tennis Courts?

In a Padel tennis court Dubai – Padel Pro, you not only deal with soft, rubbery balls but also use an extraordinary tool called a “padel” or “padel.” This game has managed to attract both young and old due to the diverse physical levels you can experience. You can utilize padel tennis as an opportunity to strengthen muscles, increase cardiovascular capabilities, and even boost your spirit and personality. One of the remarkable things about Padel tennis is its high level of diversity in gameplay. You can play it indoors or outdoors, alone or as a team. Each game requires a strategy and group coordination, making each match a new and exciting experience.

So, if you’re looking for an opportunity for exercise, entertainment, and improving your fitness, Padel tennis can be an excellent choice. Moreover, you can start this sport at any age and experience level. Are you ready for an exciting game in the world of padel tennis? Give it a try and see how enjoyable and thrilling it can be. Tennis and padel tennis differ in terms of dimensions and general specifications. Below, I’ll mention some of these differences.

Court Size

Tennis: A tennis court is 23.77 meters long and 8.23 meters wide for singles and 10.97 meters long for doubles. The net height in the middle of the court is 91.4 centimeters.

Padel Tennis: Padel tennis courts are smaller, with dimensions of 10 meters in length and 20 meters in width. The net height in padel tennis is 88 centimeters.


Tennis: The tennis net is placed at a height of 91.4 centimeters in the middle of the court.

Padel Tennis: The Padel tennis net is lower, positioned at a height of 88 centimeters in the middle of the court.

Racket or Padel

Tennis: Players use rackets, which have a handle with two sides.

Padel Tennis: Players use padels, which have a single, smooth handle.

Rules of the Game

Tennis and Padel tennis have different rules of the game, including the number of sets, rackets, court dimensions, and scoring systems.

Playing Surface

Tennis is typically played on hard and grass surfaces.

Padel tennis is usually played on hard and smooth surfaces.


Tennis is known for its fast-paced and individual movements.

Padel tennis is recognized for its more strategic and team-oriented movements.


It’s also important to note that padel tennis is considered an engaging sport suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and ages. It can be an exciting opportunity for those who enjoy traditional tennis to experience something new. For more information, visit Padelpro.ae.

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